UX Lead
Automotive | UX Lead | Enterprise | Engineering | Framework Development
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Project Description
As a Eclipse RCP, the Engineering Client (EC) offers a widespread system-comprehensive user interface for the Daimler product creation process.
The basic idea is to integrate production specific components as an application in a common framework – the Common Engineering Client (CEC).
This framework consists of software components and a system of rules, e.g. the EC Style Guide.
The advantage for the user is the direct access to all the applications within the EC, to which he has access permission. and to have a unique user interface and operability.
The CEC has 19 application and 25.000 users in global production!
My Role
Within the project I had the role of lead UX designer in framework development and the role of UI/UX consultant for integrated applications.
As UX lead, I was responsible for the design, specification and documentation of the framework UI.
I also created the framework UI Guidelines, which needed to be considered by the application when developing their UI.
As UI/UX consultant, I helped the applications develop their user interface so that they could adhere to the framework guidelines in order to provide their users the most intuitive workflow possible.
Typical methods were UX Expert Reviews and Usability Walkthroughs.
Defining the design and documentation process
Within the general project flow I was able to design the UX process in such a way that it functions parallel to the agile software development – with the aim that requirements specified by us flow continuously as user stories into the Scrum backlog.
All tasks
Conduct and moderate board meetings
Regular board meetings with all representatives of the applications, as well as project leads and stakeholders were organized and moderated by me.
Requirement management
Agenda of the board meetings were mostly requirements and their status for the framework, proposed by the applications.
To keep track we documented the content and managed them on a Kanban board.
Wireframing & interaction design
To completely fulfill the UI requirements I created interaction designs and wireframes up front and presented them to the stakeholders.
Visual graphic design
All visual designs for the framework, like the splashscreen or welcome page and as well company internal representations, e.g. intranet appearance were my job.
Creating framework Guidelines
In order to reduce training effort we aimed fo a uniform Look and Feel and of course high usability in the EC.
To ensure that the integrated applications were conform with that style and interaction guidelines were needed and also detailed documentations for each UI component with guide on how to use it.
Write User Stories
After the design of a requirement fulfilled the needs of the application User Stories for the scrum development process were written by me.
A User Story had the typical composition with the title, technical details and detailed acceptance criteria.
Feature documentation
In conjunction with the developers all framework features were documented by me and published with each EC main release.